The Making of "All In A Row"
It was an experiment. I saw an article by Judi Betts on using complimentary colors to create interesting and exciting images. Since we were headed to the beach I figured "What the heck...I'll give it a try. I'll have time to play."
You start by dividing the paper into sections. Then do an under painting choosing 3 or 4 different colors. The colors will be matched with their compliments. Do not use violet as anunder color because yellow does not work well on top.
Then do an under painting choosing 3 or 4 different colors. Draw your image on top and the paint with the opposite color in each section. You really have to pay attention to what you are doing. So areas painted with blue as the background are shaded with orange, green ones shaded with green. etc. This makes you really think about color and Value. If you don't it is a mess!